러브앤 그레이스수양관 | Love and Grace Retreat Center

    러브앤 그레이스수양관 | Love and Grace Retreat Center

    5889 Ailanthus St, Phelan, CA 92371

    (760) 249-6758, (626) 422-5028

    골드크릭센터 기도원 | Gold Creek Center

    8955 Gold Creek Rd. Sylmar, CA 91342 (818) 890-0828

    나성영락기도원 | Young Nak Retreat Center

    24100 Pine Canyon Rd, Lake Hughes, CA 93532 (661) 724-2126

    대한수도원 | Dae Han Christian Prayer Mountain

    26600 Angeles Forest Hwy, Palmdale, CA 93550 (626) 449-7777

    러브앤 그레이스수양관 | Love and Grace Retreat Center

    5889 Ailanthus St, Phelan, CA 92371 (760) 249-6758, (626) 422-5028

    샬롬기도원 | Shalom Prayer House

    9191 Deep Creek Rd Apple Valley, CA 92308 (213) 219-1187, (213) 248-0191